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KQ/GPOI Officer Course

KIPOCENT - KQ/GPOI Officer Course


  • Attain mission capabilities as Staff Officer in UN PKO Mission in preparation for Khaan Quest / GPOI


  • Understand concept and contents of KQ/GPOI and UN PKO
  • Attain knowledges to carry out mission
  • Studies of exercise scenario in advance and briefings on mission


UN Designated Course Center Lessons
CPTM(6H) ①UN PKO Introduction(2)
②International Law, Human Rights, Sexual Violence Prevention(2)
③Respect for Diversity(1)
④Conduct and discipline(1)
Center Lessons(7H) ①Brief PKO Center(1)
② ROE and SOFA(2)
③History and Lessons from Korean Dispatch(2)
④Practical adaptation for overseas deployment(2)
etc.(15H) ①Detailed introduction of each exercises(2)
②Scenario Research(4)
③Exercise Scenario Education(4)
④Mission plan briefings(2)
⑥Course evaluation(1)


  • Training Cycle
    KQ / GPOI Officer Course Schedule - Training Cycle
    Sort Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
    morning Opening Ceremony Conduct and Discipline JCS Education Mission Plan Briefings/ Discussion ROE / SOFA
    Brief PKO Center / Security Education Scenario introduction
    UN PKO Introduction
    History and Lessons from Korean Dispatch
    afternoon Practical adaptation for overseas deployment #1 Scenario Research Practical adaptation for overseas deployment #2
    International Law / Human Rights, Prevention of Sexual Violence Final Evaluation
    Respect for Diversity
    Closing Ceremony
