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KIPOCENT - History

Aug. 4, '95
Tentative activation of PKO office under JSC (3 officers)
Apr. 4, '98
Official approval of PKO office under JSC
Apr. 1, '04
Activation of PKO Center under RINSA (1 COL)
Jan. 1, '05
Activation of PKO Center under JSC(6 personnel)

* Increased personnel from previous personnel(1 Colonel, 2 Lt.Col) into (2 Colonel, 3 Lt.Col, 1 Civilian Worker)

Jan. 1, '06
Increase in Personnel to 7 personnel: 5 Professor, Civilian Worker 1, Linguistic soldier 1  
Feb. 1, '09
Report [Plan to develop PKO Center] to the Minister and approved(2 department with 15 -> 3 department with 29)
Jan. 1, '10
Adjusted chain of CMD and increased the size of organization(Joint Staff College -> KNDU)      
