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Northeast Asian Affairs

Research Institue for National Security Affairs

Center for the Northeast Asian Affairs

The Center for Northeast Asian Affairs focuses on examining security environments in Northeast Asia that offer a unique circumstance that the ROK needs to cope with. The Center also purports to analyze security dynamics and interstate relations among countries in Northeast Asia. In addition, the center conducts researches on the current and emerging threats to international security.



Director / Professor

Inhyo Seol

Research Fellow

  • Professor

    Yeonggu Rho

  • Professor

    Dohyung Ha

  • Professor

    Sookyeon Lee

  • Researcher

    Sangsoo Lee


(33021) 1040, Hwangsanbul-ro, Yangchon-myeon, Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea Tel. +82-41-831-6411~6415 / Fax. +82-2-748-7588